
We do offer our services not just within Chateau St. Havel, also we´ll gladly take a good care about our guests elsewhere.

Our team consist of people with extensive experience gained in CZ and abroad. Our raison d´etre is a satisfied customer who feels pampered by us and is always happy to return to us.



Where others end, we continue

  • Our clients always obtain the most suitable variations of dishes and drinks for any function for a reasonable price.
  • We´re ready to provide any type of catering service wherever and whenever you´ll think of.
  • We´ll prepare refreshment for unlimited number of people.
  • We´re perfect not only in Czech and European cuisine, but we can also make Asian, Northern African and American specialities.
  • We do always work with a smile on the face and most of the dishes are prepared right on the spot. That´s the only way how to ensure the real freshness of the food.

Need to ask something?

Write to us or call us directly (+420) 602 604 015.

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